About Me

Sven Peetz

“Agility starts with raising your own awareness of not knowing the answer.”

The modern world comes with lots of challenges within complex systems, i.e. the relation between cause and effect regarding problems we need to solve is unknown. Experimental collaboration is needed to find new ways of acting effectively and successfully. Unfortunately we do not build up a lot of competences helping us to deal with these challenges. Taylorism still distincts the educational systems leaving little room for new ways of thinking. My mission is to break that pattern helping people and organisations to act successfully and reinvent their way of working.

My journey towards my current profession started in my childhood. Helping my family members to solve their conflicts instead of getting lost in endless discussions sharpened my perception for different individual perspectives. Paired with a rather left-winged environment I grew up in – criticising established political systems and structures – a high degree in self-reflection and 10+ years of experience in agile transitions and supervision / coaching I now call myself Agilist, Systemic Coach and Change Companion. Depending on the demand of my clients I act as a coach, a trainer or a consultant.

Further I do like to plant tomatoes.